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Seafood Festival


Button-up Performance Shirts

Salty Traditions Button-up Performance shirts are made with a look for the office but can be worn to fish. With this design, we wanted to innovate something different. This shirt looks professional, stylish, and fishable. They are made with Ultra-soft material but dense enough to have the creases you find in a typical button-up. We added a vented back half of the shirt to keep your back cool when you are giving a presentation or just out on the water.


  • Made for the office, built to fish
  • 90% Polyester 10% Spandex
  • Ultra-Soft
  • Moisture Wicking
  • Anti-Micro bacterial
  • Vented
      Size: 5XL
      Size: 5XL

      The Traditions Company

      Salty Traditions

      Frequently asked questions

      How long does shipping take?

      We offer quick turnaround shipping. If you order today, we
      normally ship within 1-2 days. You will receive an email with the tracking
      number once it’s shipped.

      Does your clothes fit true to size?

      Our clothes fit true to size for the most part. When you get
      into the larger sizes people are shaped differently. Sometimes we have to exchange
      it for a larger size.  

      Where are we located?

      We are in a small town in south Louisiana called Lafayette.
      We are fully coonass!